Developing your own card ministry
“I don’t have any talents or skills. Besides, with car pool, church, and work, where can I find time for a ministry?”
How does 7 minutes sound? That’s all it takes to select a FairHope Notes card, add a hand-written note, address it, and pop a stamp on it! In 7 minutes, you’ve mailed an envelope full of encouragement! And that’s a great ministry.
It doesn’t matter how “poetic” your words are; the important thing is that someone knows you care. Pretend you’re sitting face to face with your friend, and then just “chat.” If you pray before you jot a note, God will give you the right words to say. You may want to write your thoughts on a separate piece of paper first, and once you’ve “edited” them, write the final version on the card.
If you’re at a loss for something to say, remember that the events keeping you busy can add sparkle to your notes. What has God spoken to you through the “busy-ness” of doing laundry, driving your daughter to dance practice, or getting through a mountainous to-do list at the office?
Rather than trying to cover everything you’ve been up to, pick up one event and focus on that – then share what the Lord taught you through the experience.
As you develop your greeting card ministry, the Lord will bring people to mind whom you can encourage – so be listening for His voice! How about the elderly man down the street who never leaves his house? Or that missionary whose picture you pass in church every week? What about your cousin who just lost a baby? Or that “unsung hero” in your office who quietly labors behind the scenes whether or not anyone is watching?
Just think about how many people you can encourage, lift up, console, or pat on the back. Now that’s a ministry!